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Serviced Office And Coworking Space: Playing Their Part in Sharing Economy

Two hundred years ago the world population was just over 1 billion. Since then the number of people on the planet grew more than 7-fold to an estimated 7.8 billion in 2020. Meanwhile the same earth that has to sustain the living of this ever growing population, is not increasing in size.

As world resources are limited, some even finite and non-renewable, sharing economy becomes unavoidable. As a matter of fact, sharing economy that is built on the concept of sharing resources and space, has become a part of everyday society. In the last decade, companies like Airbnb, Uber, and Gojek from Indonesia, to name a few, have emerged in response to this call for more efficient use of resources and space. In addition, we also see sharing office providers flourish in major cities in the world, offering Serviced Office, Coworking Space and Virtual Office.

In the past the idea of having strangers sharing your private car, room or office space was inconceivable. Nowadays, more people, particularly the millennials, realize the benefits of sharing economy such as:

• Reducing the required investment resulting in increased savings
• Decreasing pollution and other environmental effects
• Offering self-employment opportunities
• Connecting people
• Providing more and cheaper options

Gojek and Uber offer self-employment for many non-formal workers while Airbnb gives you a lot more options to choose when you plan on your next holiday. Serviced Office allows you to lease a small to medium private office at a much smaller investment as otherwise required for conventional office. Coworking Space even allows you to just lease a desk that you can share with other users when you are not using it. Check Amethyst Executives Suites at and find out their promotional offers.

Sharing economy has led to drastic changes in consumer behavior. It is now possible to rent a car parking space, Wi-Fi, storage space, bikes and cars, office desk, party gowns, or even pets. No doubt this ever-growing trend has created disruption in many industries including commercial property, accommodation, and transport. Like it or not, sharing economy has become a more sustainable alternative as it results in significantly less waste while allowing us to enjoy the experience.

The above article is contributed by Amethyst Executive Suites, provider of Serviced Office, Coworking Space and Virtual Office with offices located at Sahid Sudirman Center, Jl. Sudirman (Central Jakarta CBD) and 18 Office Park, Jl. Simatupang (South Jakarta CBD). To find out more about our services and promotional offers, please visit or call +62 896 3694 1711 (Sahid Sudirman Center) or +62 896 3694 1722 (18 Office Park).

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